What’s up with the term “birthing people”?

The word “mother”. It’s powerful, it’s emotional, it’s complex, and both the role and the word deserve to be honored and celebrated.

However, there are many folx in the world who birth babies and do not identify as mothers. Transgender people have babies. Gender non-conforming people have babies. The spectrum is beautiful, fluid and worthy of respect.

Language matters, and I choose to use language that is inclusive of parents, no matter how they identify. It’s not an either or, it’s a “both and”.

I understand that this will offend some people out there. The beauty of the internet is that you can just exit out; scroll on. Heck, you can even write your own blog with words that you choose, there is room for all of us. No matter what, we all have to agree that free speech is where it’s at!


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