5 tips to help a gassy baby

crying gassy baby

There are few things more sad and disheartening than a gassy baby. It can feel so helpless watching them in distress, writhing around in pain. Unfortunately, gas is a very common problem for babies, especially while their digestive systems are maturing. The good new is that there are some things you can do to help them along.

One way to tell if gas could be the culprit is to watch baby’s legs. If they are pulling their knees up into their chest, it’s a good sign that trapped gas is causing the discomfort. (Versus a rigid, arched back, which can often indicate reflux.)

With regard to timing, tummy troubles tend to peak between 6-8 weeks. This is also the same timeframe your baby will often start pooping less frequently, as their digestive tract grows. It can be a very challenging time for some families, but for the most part, it’s a normal part of the human experience. (If your baby is crying excessively, or you are noticing unusual stool, please consult with your physician.)

The products that I recommend are products I’ve used with success for countless families. I do use affiliate links, and earn a very small commission for products purchased with these links. I figured I’m recommending them anyway, so might as well, ya know.

Lastly, please know that none of these suggestions are medical advice. I would definitely recommend consulting with your physician if you are concerned about the health of your baby.

  1. BURP, BURP, BURP. Ten minutes spent burping a baby can save you hours of pain later in the day. Struggling to get burps out? I share my tricks in this video.

  2. Bicycle legs. Sometimes, the gas is already too far into the digestive system to come out as a burp, and you’ll need to help your baby fart. (Yes, I just called it a “baby fart” because it honestly makes me laugh every time.) This video shows you how.

  3. Paced feeding. Holding baby upright when bottle or breast/chest feeding can help keep them from taking in so much air. No idea what I’m talking about? Check out this video for a demo.

  4. Gas Drops. This is one of those products that either changes people’s lives, or doesn’t do a thing. At less than $10, it’s certainly worth a shot. Gripe water can also work for some families, so you might try your luck with both.

  5. Probiotics. There is not great evidence on probiotics, if I’m honest. Some people swear by it, others don’t notice a difference at all. But much like the gas drops and gripe water, it can’t hurt to try.